
Tracking and Monitoring

An integral part of our daily work is Tracking and Monitoring our students. We work closely with our Subject Leaders, Data Manager and his team to ensure we have current data on all students and then use this as a tool to implement the necessary support.

All students in the Sixth Form have a photo card and they are appropriately colour coded.

How we colour code

Each student receives a target grade in each of their subjects. These grades are derived from the students’ GCSE results and combined and compared against students nationally who have also achieved the same or similar scores. We find this data very useful and valid as it provides us with a good benchmark. Teachers will input assessment data on students and their progress will be compared against their target grades at each formal tracker point. This information will go home to parents at the end of each term. 

Teachers will also make their own judgments on a student’s ability through extra data drops during the year, whereby they will be asked to highlight if they feel a student is in need of extra interventions in order to fully achieve their potential. All students in the Sixth Form have a photo card and are appropriately colour coded based on this teacher feedback.

  • Green Students are on track to succeed through their chosen subjects
  • Yellow Students have been highlighted by one subject as needing extra interventions
  • Amber Students have been highlighted by two subjects as needing extra interventions
  • Red Students have been highlighted by three subjects as needing extra interventions


Our data drops are an invaluable tool in helping staff, students, parents and the Sixth Form team monitor student progress. Subject teachers work hard to ensure that the information they share iis as accurate as possible and they give a clear indication as to how the student is performing and their predicted achievement at the end of the academic year. Go for Schools also provides a live picture of student progress.

Part of our Tracking and Monitoring system includes intervention with specific groups of students. All students on red have individual appointments and group seminars on a regular basis; support is personalised for them in order for them to achieve as highly as possible. Students on amber will also receive group interventions, considering key areas for improvement and development. All students on red or amber will be part of an intervention Google Classroom: an online platform providing regular tips and guidance. They will all be set individual SMART targets alongside class teachers and reflect on their progress against these regularly.

Subject teachers are also encouraged to offer extra interventions for students whom they have highlighted as needing this extra layer of support.

At all times we will liaise with parents if your son or daughter is receiving any additional support and we very much welcome you being part of the process.

Achievement Tracker

This is an invaluable tool in helping staff, students, parents and the Sixth Form Team monitor student progress. Subject teachers work hard to ensure that the information on these documents is as accurate as possible and they give a clear indication as to how the student is performing and their predicted achievement at the end of the academic year.

We also have an academically most able group; they receive additional support, information for Oxbridge applications and stretch and challenge opportunities.

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