
Vision & Christian Values

Christian Ethos at Tring School


Tring School welcomes students from families of all faiths and of no faith.  We are a Church of England school and our Christian Vision and Values underpin all that we do.

Tring School is within the diocese of St Albans and within Tring we are attached to the church of St Peter and St Paul.  We also have close affiliations with the other churches in the town and work with their clergy but it is through St Peter and St Paul that our Chaplaincy is funded and provided for the students and staff at Tring School.  The school attends services at the church of St Peter and St Paul at Christmas and Easter and the clergy come into school to lead collective worship regularly for our community.

Our Vision

'There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord.  There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work.'  1 Corinthians 12.4-6

Our bible based vision from I Corinthians teaches us that there should be no division in the body and that we should all have concern for each other.  “If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honoured, every part rejoices with it”.  We all work together, secure in the knowledge of God’s love, to make sure we experience life in all its fullness.  It also teaches that we all have our own gifts to share and celebrate; at Tring School we develop the whole child and celebrate all talents and achievements accomplished in the classroom, through our wider curriculum and outside of school.

Our Values

In addition to securing the highest standards of achievement, our ethos underpins our belief in creating Confident Learners (Wisdom), Ambitious Individuals (Hope) and Responsible Citizens (Community). 

All of our teachings are underpinned with dignity and respect whereby we value the preciousness of each person.  Through all communications we support students in considering how we make eachother feel everyday in our community.


Christian Values


God the Father

(the source of our life and being)


Wisdom is insight into the way life works: a proper understanding of the consequences of our thoughts, words and actions and an awareness of the true value of things. It is rooted in proper reverence for God who is the source of all life and all values.

Confident Learners

Students embrace learning, personal growth and academic achievement. Staff and Governors support appropriate learning paths for all.

God the Son

(the resurrected Christ who is the source of all our hope)


Christian hope means trusting in the loving purposes of God: trusting that the foundations of the world are good because they spring from God. It means believing that, ultimately, we are destined to share in that goodness because of what Jesus has done.

Ambitious Individuals

Every member of the school community aspires to do our best, believing in lifelong learning and gaining broad life skills to equip us to be positive and resilient. Staff and Governors support this journey, encouraging wellbeing and pastoral care throughout the school.

God the Holy Spirit

(the presence of God with us who draws us into a new community)

Koinonia (Comprehensive Community)

Koinonia means ‘that which is in common’ and is often translated as ‘fellowship’ or ‘community’ A central element of being a family is interdependence: all are needed and valued and each person is important to the whole. The same message is found in Paul’s image of the Christian community as the body of Christ. Each member of the body shares the joys and sufferings of the others and each depends upon everyone else.

Responsible Citizens

Students are encouraged to play a positive, respectful and thoughtful role in their school and local community. Staff and Governors are supportive of nurturing community within and beyond the school.

*School Evaluation & Development Plan

School Prayer

Living God, creator of us all, we thank you for your love that strengthens each of us.

Help us to value ourselves and others, to rejoice in the opportunity to learn, to care for the environment we share, and to build up the community in which we live.

We ask you for your blessing on the students, the staff and all who support Tring School.

We offer this prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord.


Vision & Values Date  
British Values in Tring School 14th Feb 2025 Download
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