Senior Students
The Sixth Form experience is about more than gaining academic qualifications – although this is of utmost importance. We place great emphasis on ensuring that our students are also well rounded individuals.
We pride ourselves in offering a wide range of responsibilities and activities from Head Students and their Deputies, House Captains and the Social Committee.
Student Leadership: The Head Student Team
The Head Students and their Deputies are the senior students of the school. As such, they are looked up to by younger students and are regarded as ambassadors of the school by staff, governors and parents. The Head Student Team set exemplary standards at all times. After the successful outcome of a rigorous interview process, they have a number of specific areas of responsibility, as set out below:
- upholding the aims and objectives of Tring School and the Sixth Form
- representing the school and students at events
- public speaking at a variety of school events e.g. Open Evenings
- promoting student voice within the school
- attending Governor meetings
The Head Student Team also chooses to work on a particular project each year. These projects are chosen by the students and are aimed at making the school a consistently outstanding place to work and learn.
Student Council
Our Deputy Head Students run our student council. Each of the five deputies lead a year group within the council, which is supported by representatives from every year group. The council fulfils a vital role in facilitating student voice and our Deputy Head Students are integral to that process. These students gain significant leadership experience, grow in confidence and have an opportunity to shape the direction of the school. Each Deputy Head Student has the opportunity to lead an initiative within the school that they are passionate about. They are our ultimate #RoleModels.
House Captains
The role of House Captain is one of privilege, pride and responsibility which requires dedication and commitment for an entire year. Each House will have four House Captains from Year 12 who will all contribute an assortment of skills and ideas to the job. The role will include the following:
- leading on Student Voice
- leading and supporting House Collective Worship
- meeting regularly with the House Team
- representing the House, and School, during school events
- organising House Competitions
- raising money for school projects and charities
- overseeing the social media account appropriately
Social Committee
We encourage students to have a say in the running of the Sixth Form and to take responsibility for the Sixth Form area. All students have a voice through the Sixth Form Committee. This committee organises independent social events, fundraising and makes recommendations to staff. In recent years they have arranged and overseen a large number of fundraising events, produced year books and organised socials throughout the year including the highly acclaimed May Ball.