


Apprenticeships give young people the opportunity to work for a real employer, earn a real salary and gain a real qualification whilst gaining valuable workplace skills and experience.  Anyone living in England, over 16 years old and not in full-time education can apply to be an apprentice.

All apprentices should work for at least 30 hours a week, apart from in exceptional circumstances.  Apprenticeships are available at Intermediate, Advanced and Higher (degree) Level, covering more than 170 industries and 1500 job roles.

Quality is key to apprenticeships.  All apprenticeships must be at least 12 months long and lead to a national qualification that is respected by employers around the world.

Students at Tring School are encouraged to explore all post-16 and post-18 options, including apprenticeships.  Apprenticeships are becoming an increasingly attractive alternative to the traditional higher education route.

Entry Requirements

To be considered for an apprenticeship programme in England, applicants need to be:

  • aged 16 or over
  • living in England
  • not in full-time education

Each level has different entry requirements, and each apprenticeship vacancy will specify what these are, along with the qualities the employer is looking for. For higher and degree apprenticeships, employers generally ask for A Levels and other Level 3 qualifications.

Over 70 universities and around 200 colleges are approved to deliver higher and degree apprenticeships.

The Application Process

Apprenticeship vacancies are advertised by the companies recruiting, in the same way a job would be. Vacancies with larger firms often start appearing from September, but most start to be advertised from January or February onwards. Smaller businesses might start recruiting a month or two before the job starts, so if you hope to start work in August or September, start looking from March/April onwards.

If you are interested in working for a particular employer, take a look at their website, most have a page on careers, apprenticeships, or vacancies. If you are interested in a particular apprenticeship job role, you can filter your search for these on the vacancy listing.

Amazing Apprenticeships

Amazing Apprenticeships is a leading organisation in the education sector.

For over a decade we have been working to tackle misconceptions about apprenticeships and technical education, promote their benefits, and push the boundaries of what the sector can do.

Working with teachers, government and leading employers, we’ve already brought about a culture change in schools across England. And we’re only just getting started. Explore some of the ways we can help you.

Check out this animated film from Amazing Apprenticeships

For Care Experiences Young People/Care Leavers please click here

Meet the Employer please click here

The Ask Programme from the Careers & Enterprise Company

The Apprenticeship Support & Knowledge programme (ASK programme) is funded by the Department for Education.

The ASK programme supports schools, special schools and colleges in England to raise awareness of apprenticeships and T Levels. The programme offers a variety of activities to inspire learners, including mock interviews, assemblies and workshops, all delivered by four expert partners across the country. 

Please click here to watch the ASK Explainer Film and to learn more about what's available.

Rate my Apprenticeship

Finding apprenticeships made super easy!

Is a leading resource for those who want to research into studying for an Apprenticeship.

Hundreds of exciting roles for school and college leavers.  Thousands of honest reviews left by apprentices across the UK.  Infinite career advice.

Get my First Job

GetMyFirstJob offers you a whole new way to find Apprenticeships, Degree Apprenticeships, Work Experience and Graduate opportunities to get ahead. It’s not just a search tool – we’ll connect you with the Best Employers, Colleges & Providers and Universities to get you on the right track faster.

No Going To Uni

Find the opportunity that is right for you!

We work with employers, training providers and colleges nationwide to be able to provide you the widest variety of opportunities, to suit every need. We have something on here for each and every candidate.


In School Help Support

Mrs Jennah Hay, our Careers and Enhancement Leader and Mrs F Trinder, our Student Support Manager are available to assist students with queries about apprenticeships, or to help with applications.  Mock interviews can also be carried out on request in advance of an apprenticeship interview.

Students may also request an interview with a qualified careers advisor if they are considering an apprenticeship. Students should request an appointment via Mrs J Hitchin

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