
Self Directed Study

There are a range of things you can do as Self Directed Study. 

  • Have a study folder for each subject in your drive/or have a physical folder for each subject and some A4 paper for note taking. 
  • Reflect on your knowledge/skills - what topics in specific subjects do you need to be more secure on?  What knowledge and skills do you need to develop and work on?  Work out your gaps. 
  • Get to work independently trying to close those gaps in learning and knowledge.

You could use: 

  • GCSE Pod - we have purchased this for students from Year 9 - Year 11. It's anDownload 1Googleog imageseoimagehomepagestaticsiteblue1 excellent resource with thousands of videos that cover almost all topics, of almost all subject areas. 
  • BBC Bitesize has resources for all subjects from Year 7 - Year 13.
  • Seneca  -  free learning platform to support developing knowledge and understanding of a subject in greater depth. 
  • Look at your GCSE Classroom tasks or exercise books - were there areas you were unsure about?  Do you need to do some additional research? 
  • Massolit - we have purchased this for students - mainly for A Level but useful for GCSE too. Log in using your school e mailDownload address.
  • Look at your GCSE Classroom tasks or exercise books - were there areas you were unsure about?  Do you need to do some additional research?
  • The KS3 and KS4 Study Support websites - links to this sites are under TS Student menu on this website.
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