Philosophy & Ethics at A Level is a subject that requires candidates to consider individual, ethical, social, religious, cultural and contemporary issues. The Russell Group of universities has made it clear that A Level PRS provides ‘suitable preparation for university’, and Oxford and Cambridge include it in their top list of ‘suitable arts’ A Levels.
Philosophy and Ethics is a highly respected academic subject that requires students to think critically as well as present coherent, well-argued responses. Assessments are based on student knowledge and understanding of the different topic areas as well as skills in analysis, evaluation and reasoning.
The subject is divided into three key areas with a two hour written exam on each. The three topic areas are philosophy, ethics and theology. The philosophy units debate ideas such as ‘the problem of evil’ and the existence of God, alongside discussing the reliability of religious experiences and religious belief as a product of the human mind. The ethics units include discussion about what we mean by the words ‘right’, ‘wrong’, ‘good’ and ‘bad’, and looks further at medical ethical issues - discussing topics such as abortion and euthanasia. Finally, theology considers the development of Christian thought, and provides learners with the opportunity to undertake an in-depth and broad study of themes ranging from the impact of science on religious belief to the Bible as a source of authority.
An A Level in Philosophy and Ethics provides a strong basis from which to pursue further education in law, physics, social sciences, economics, theology, anthropology, medicine and politics. Philosophy and Ethics is about bettering yourself as an individual, enhancing your confidence and transferable life skills. Studying Philosophy and Ethics doesn’t just make you a philosopher or ethicist – it can make you a better scientist, mathematician, historian, writer, journalist, actor, filmmaker, poet, politician, lawyer, and so much more.
Exam Board |
EDUQAS | Please click here |
Minimum GCSE Grade Requirements |
Grade 5 in PRS or if not studied, Grade 5 in English Language or Literature |
Enrichment & Extra Curricular
We aim to take students to as many conferences to support knowledge as possible. We encourage students to visit places of worship and ask Christian religious leaders questions around their course. We also encourage watching the news.
Course Content & Assessment
At KS5 the course is split into 3 components: Philosophy, Ethics and Christianity. The GCSE course really complements the A Level course allowing for good outcomes and understanding by all. The Eduqas A Level in Religious Studies encourages learners to: develop their interest in a rigorous study of religion and belief and relate it to the wider world; develop knowledge and understanding appropriate to a specialist study of religion; develop an understanding and appreciation of religious thought and its contribution to individuals, communities and societies; adopt an enquiring, critical and reflective approach to the study of religion; and reflect on and develop their own values, opinions and attitudes in the light of their study. The A Level Religious Studies is designed to enable learners to develop their interest in and enthusiasm for a study of religion and its place in the wider world. This is a brilliant A Level course which leads to many possibilities, whether it be further study or job opportunities. A Level Religious Studies can provide you with excellent transferable skills, from essay writing, developing confidence in debating, to developing the ability to appreciate other viewpoints. These skills can be incredibly helpful in a range of University degrees. Possible jobs from a Religious Studies degree include: lecturing, teaching, doctor, lawyer, advice worker, archivist, work within 'third sector' organisations, counselling, community development worker, EGSR Business roles (environmental governance and social responsibilities and representation) and police officer or youth worker - to name just a few.
PRS Curriculum Map
Written examinations at end of year 13
PRS overall
PRS provides a platform for students to understand the world we live in, the issues that people face across the world, and the philosophical and ethical viewpoints of a number of religions, cultures and societies whilst promoting British Values in every topic covered. In addition, this subject teaches tolerance and empathy – making it unique and massively important in making students well-rounded citizens. Finally, due to the wide range of topics covered and issues discussed, this subject is brilliant for cross-curricular links with History, Geography, Art, Science, English and Maths.
Philosophy & Religious Studies Department
Subject Leader | Mrs J Perry |
Assistant Subject Leader (KS3) | Ms S Tullett (Tuesday to Friday) |
Mr T Oswald | |
Miss R Makbul |