Literacy & Numeracy
Year 7
For students who need some extra support with their literacy and numeracy, they follow a bespoke programme in place of French or Spanish, in order to boost their progress in these areas and support their access to the curriculum.
The purpose of reading changes at secondary education, from ‘learning to read’ to ‘reading to learn’. Students are exposed to almost three times as much new vocabulary from Year 7 and the types of material materials used in lessons becomes more complex and instructional. The support and strategies utilised in these lessons aims to help smooth this transition and enable students to ‘keep up’ rather than ‘catch up’. In many cases students will reach their chronological reading age and graduate from this provision to rejoin the language groups.
- Effective reading strategies
- Vocabulary and comprehension
- Accelerated Reader
- Lexia
- ReadingWise
- Oracy
- Literacy Coaching
- Herts Fluency Project
- Digital Literacy
- Literacy for maths
- The Number Devil
- MathsWhizz
Spoken Language
- French or Spanish depending on their house
- Enables students to learn language and facilitate joining the language groups
Year 8 and 9
The provision above continues in Year 8 and Year 9.