Health & Social Care BTEC
The Pearson BTEC Level 1/ Level 2 Tech Award in Health and Social Care is an ideal choice if you want to pursue a career in nursing, midwifery, health promotion, occupational therapy or speech therapy.
The course covers a range of subjects including public health, effective communication in health, equality and diversity, rights, socialisation and the importance of nutrition for wellbeing. You will also have an opportunity to study skills in communication, numeracy, literacy and IT.
This Award gives learners the opportunity to develop sector-specific knowledge and skills in a practical learning environment. Students will undertake three components as part of their qualification. Component 1 and 2 are non exam assessments (NEAs) and take place in school during year 10, with each being worth 30%. Component 3 is an externally assessed examination which takes place in year 11.
The NEAs students undertake are set by the exam board Pearson and take the form of written coursework completed in lesson time. The first piece of coursework looks at human lifespan development and the factors in life that affect that. The second piece of coursework looks at values in health and social care and types of health and social care settings. This work is marked internally and is then submitted for moderation by the exam board.
Enrichment and Extra-Curricular
Students are able to take part in practical activities to develop their knowledge of health and social care. This year students took part in an activity where they had to protect an egg, learnt how to take blood pressure and will be visited by health care professionals.
Subject Leader: Miss H Flannery
Teacher: Ms J Tyler