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Primary Transition

The transition from primary to secondary education is a very exciting time but can be a bit challenging for some students. At Tring School we try to ensure the transition is as smooth as possible.

We have an excellent working relationship with all the primary schools in the area and an outstanding transition programme involving both students and parents. We work hard to ensure that we start the process of getting to know your sons and daughters before they join us in September and our transition programme continues well into Year 7.

Year 6


  • Open Evening for prospective parents and students to tour the school, meet the students and staff and hear a talk from the Headteacher, Mrs Ambrose.  Open Morning for prospective parents and students (appointment only). This may be a virtual event.
  • Online Applications open. You can apply for your child to come to Tring School through the Herts website


  • You will find out if your application has been successful.  We speak to local primary schools about your child so we know how best to support them on transition to Tring School.


  • Documentation sent to parents of students starting at Tring School in September. 


  • Our Year 7 Buddies visit the Primary Schools to give a short presentation and answer any questions students may have.  Students coming in small groups or on their own will be invited into Tring School for a similar session with the Buddies.


  • Your child will meet their Form Tutor and Head of House and hear what Tring School is like from our current Head Students.  This may be done virtually.
  • During the Induction Day they will have an assembly, a tour of the school as well as taking part in activities that will help them get to know the other students in their class.

Year 7

There are many differences between primary and secondary school, and it is a good idea to find out as much information about the normal school day before they start.

For example:

  • Students to be through the school gates before 8.30am.
  • The school day begins at 8.35am in the form room.
  • On their first day of school Year 7 students should go straight to the Desborough Hall.
  • If they are getting the bus to and from school – check with the bus company for details of bus pickup and drop off points. At the end of each day, students wait by the bus stop (near Solomon the Stag) for their bus.
  • If you have any queries you can contact the school via email
  • If you have any concerns or questions, talk to your child’s Form Tutor or Head of House.

Help your child to be prepared before they start in September

  • Make sure they have the correct uniform & PE kit
  • Have they got all their equipment – pens, pencils, glue, scissors, ruler, calculator etc?  All items are available from the stationery shop in the LRC.
  • Have you made arrangements for lunch - school dinners/packed lunch?


  • Parents are invited to an informal 'Introduction to Key Stage 3' evening detailing expectations and curriculum content in KS3.  This may be a virtual event.
  • We normally aim for Year 7 students to attend a day trip to Thorpe Park to spend time with their new friends and some of their teachers.

Progress Reports & Parents' Evening

  • There will be two progress reports each year and a written report once a year.
  • Parents' Evening is an opportunity for parents to meet their child’s subject teachers to review their progress and talk through any concerns they may have.  Bookings are made through our electronic booking system and details of how to access this will be sent out to you well in advance. The evening is held in the Desborough Hall and the adjoining classrooms or may be held virtually.

Tips for new students

You are not alone in worrying about starting a new school. All of your friends and the other students will be worried about the same things as you.

For example you might be worried about the following:


You will get homework as soon as you start Year 7.  Your homework will be set on Go 4 Schools.  You will be shown how to access this on your first day.  You can do this through your chromebook or there is an app you can download onto your smartphone if you have one.  If you are ever unsure as to what you should be doing for homework, the obvious person to ask is your subject teacher. Don’t be scared. They would rather you asked for help than struggled to complete it. If you really are having problems doing the work, ask your parents to email your teacher. Think about forming a small homework club with your friends, and doing it together. The LRC (Learning Resource Centre) is open every day until 4.30pm (3.00pm on Friday) and there is a Homework Support Club on Wednesday from 3pm to 4pm where there will be a member of staff available to help you.


We don’t tolerate bullying at Tring School. When you were at primary school the teachers encouraged you to let them know if you were unhappy with the way you were being treated by another student. It is the same at Tring School. DO NOT TOLERATE BULLYING. Always speak to your Form Tutor, your Head of House or a member of staff you feel you can talk to. If you can’t speak to anyone at school, speak to your parents. They can always let us know. If you see anyone being bullied, tell a member of staff.


When you move to Tring School you will find that you are in a different Tutor Group to the friends you had at primary school. Some students when they start are scared that they will find it hard to make friends. Don’t worry. Your Form Tutor will encourage you to make friends through activities that you will do in Tutor time. In no time at all, you will find that as well as having your friends from primary school, you have also made a lot of new friends. Try to smile at everyone you meet. This is a good way to meet new people as they will think you are the sort of person that they would like to hang around with. We have lots of different clubs at Tring School. Make sure you join at least one; it’s a great way to widen your circle of friends .

The size of the school

Tring School is a lot bigger than your primary school. In order to help you get around, you will have a tour on your Induction Days in July and another tour on your first day of school. You will also be provided with a map of the school in your Student Passport, and on the first few days at Tring School a Teaching Assistant will be with you to show you around. If you get lost, ask any member of staff or a student where to go. They will take you to where you should be.


Our Year 7 Buddies will be visiting your School in June or, if you are coming on your own or with a very small group, you will be invited into school to meet them. You can ask them lots of questions; they were in the same situation as you this time last year! If, once you have started, these worries are still with you, please speak to your Form Tutor or Head of House for advice.

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