Good attendance at school is important for all children. Those regularly absent from school are not only missing out on parts of their education, but they are also missing out on all the other social and life skills that schools have to offer.
Attendance at 95% means that a child has had, on average, half a day off every week, totalling 10 days per year or 2 school weeks. Research has shown that children whose attendance falls below 90% will receive one grade lower than their predicted GCSE grade in every subject, which may have a significant effect on their future prospects.
Our students have all experienced a significant time away from the classroom. Therefore, we ask parents to consider absences carefully; mild illness is not a valid enough reason to miss a full day's education. If your child has a headache, cold symptoms, is tired or feels anxious, please send them in.
Our medical team can administer pain relief if required, and our pastoral team is always available to speak too; if it is felt that your child would benefit from going home, we will contact you.
Similarly, if your child is absent due to injury, a risk assessment can be undertaken to support and enable their return to school. They are also able to work remotely in one of our quiet spaces if they are unable to move between classrooms.
If your child is experiencing any issues with regards to their attendance, you can contact our Attendance Manager on the details below to discuss. Alternatively, you can contact your child’s Head of House. For support with emotionally based school avoidance please see the linked guide on parental support produced by Hertfordshire CC.
The Attendance Policy can be found on the Ridgeway Learning Partnership website.
- Attendance